Friday, March 2, 2018

Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Finances

Video Highlights  

Most people find it challenging to stay on top of their finances. As with your workout or diet, there are small tweaks you can do to improve your financial fitness. 

 Here are FIVE suggestions to have your finances in good order!



Knowledge is power and updated knowledge is the most powerful of all.

It takes discipline, but living within one’s means is key to accumulating wealth. Being financially responsible in the present is a good way to ensure a comfortable future.

These steps are good places to start a more conscious and directed route to achieving your financial freedom. Read, reflect and take what will work for you.

Bottom line is that there is no blanket strategy. Each person must evaluate their own circumstances, needs, and desires. Get the help you need to achieve financial freedom.

If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.

-Jim Rohn

Above all, believe in yourself and believe that you will achieve your goal!

Lynda at Sonoran Sun | Private Equity Investments 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Will Residential Real Estate Investors Be Taking It To The Bank In 2018?

A little less than a month ago, the Federal Reserve Board Chair Janet Yellen raised interest rates once again. Hidden amongst most people’s holiday preparations, the increase was not significant, yet it was a clear indication that the days of Quantitative Easing are ending, and Quantitative Tightening will rise. Earnings growth and cash flow growth will be driving the markets.

Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building

It means that interest rates for mortgages will continue to increase in 2018. Combined with higher market prices, this may pose certain challenges for the Real Estate Investor. Before we look at predictions for the upcoming year, let’s take a quick look back.

The past year was a mix of good and bad news as far as real estate investing went.
It was good news for all real-estate investors that property values were near peak levels in 2017 for many markets. Most properties purchased in the past eight years have completely rebounded and are now in the black.

The bad news from the past year?  Property values were near peak levels in in 2017 for many markets. This is because inventory was relatively low while demand from frustrated renters wanting to own homes increased steadily throughout the year. The supply of deeply discounted property had dwindled. While there is a traditional steady trickle of these properties, the easy availability, and huge margins that investors enjoyed over the past few years are fewer and farther between. That will make buying property this year more challenging.

In addition, new tax laws will create some confusion in the early months of the year. The tax bill will negatively impact property values by reducing the mortgage interest deductions. It changes the capital gains extension on residences, capping property tax deductibility. 

There are benefits to the new plan. The “like-kind exchange” will be maintained. This is an exemption that lets a business avoid taxes if it reinvests profits in another business, except in the case of commercial real estate development. It will lower taxes on pass-through businesses—partnerships, S-corporations, and limited liability companies (LLCs).These corporate entities allow business income to “pass-through” to the owner, thereby paying a personal income rate, as opposed to a business rate.

Truly the best of times and the worst of times.

How will real estate investors navigate low inventory, high prices and rising rates and new tax laws?

Real estate investors will be working with a market where property values are high and in which interest rates are expected to rise more consistently than in the past few years. While rates are still below 2%, the 25-point increase in December was hinged on strong employment and better-than-expected economic growth. The Fed is forecasting three more rate hikes in 2018. For the investor, this means higher and higher interest on properties that will continue to increase in price.

To continue to make profitable investments – and avoid the danger of overpaying, investors will pursue a wide range of strategies. Now more than in previous years, investors will be focusing on specific geographies, asset classes, and financing strategies. Nowhere is this more evident than for residential real estate.


The lack of flood insurance meant homeowners were left to recover from the damages on their own

Recent months have seen an almost ghoulish real estate market in disaster areas. Texas and Florida saw a surge in the purchase of flooded or otherwise damaged homes following hurricanes Harvey and Irma. 

In areas where the lack of flood insurance meant that homeowners were left to recover from the damages on their own, investors quickly stepped in to purchase water damaged properties to restore neighborhoods and generate profits.


The gentrification of lower class neighborhoods will continue in many major markets. The stuff city planners and tax assessors dream of, the renovation of old and low-income properties adjacent to trending neighborhoods will continue to offer young professionals affordable options for housing along with amenities such as modern kitchens and baths next to trendy neighborhood restaurants and businesses.


Millennials were slow to enter the housing market, but as they have started settling down, they are buying homes at rates equal to their parents. In fact, single millennials are more likely to own a home than prior generations of singles. Home prices have shot up so quickly in recent years that the latest wave of these young professionals say they are having a hard time making the finances work – even in these up and coming areas. This brings the third strategy into focus.

Creative Financing

The economic downturn of the last decade necessitated options in creative financing for real estate. When mortgages became more difficult to qualify for, new solutions were necessary. Many investors now call themselves Deal Architects or Deal Engineers to denote the skills they acquired in working out deals with creative financing.

Even though the wave of foreclosures and bankruptcies that were ubiquitous in the past decade are dwindling, there are other issues impacting the financial qualification for housing. 

High rents and debt from consumer spending and student loans have made it difficult for young households to save up for a down payment. 

Moreover, with prices rising steadily, even a small increase in mortgage rates could put people finances just over the edge of affordability. 

In light of these issues, creative financing remains a popular option for would be homeowners who still do not qualify for traditional mortgages.

As a result, individually tailored purchase agreements will continue to trend upward in 2018. Lease to own will dominate the smart investor’s plan. This is also an attractive option for young families who can afford the monthly lease payment, but don’t have enough for a traditional down payment. For the Real Estate Investor, it guarantees a steady source of income from residential real estate without the traditional issues landlords face.


It is clear that 2018 will bring many opportunities to the smart investor. Climate change will surely strike again creating opportunities for rebuilding. Perceived scarcity combined with the continued gentrification of lower class neighborhoods will offer many opportunities for deals with creative financing and potentially significant monthly income. Changes in tax law will leave some scrambling while others will find a way to profit. 

For the seasoned investor and savvy financial partners, this could mean a return on investment anywhere from 6 to 12% on a safe and secure investment model.

For the families and neighborhoods, this offers the chance to grow and prosper in their new homes.

2018 may be the year of the win-win solution everyone had been hoping for.


Lynda at Sonoran Sun | Private Equity Investments 

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Further Reading:

What Is The Advantage Of Peer To Peer Lending?

Friday, November 3, 2017

7 Ways To Save For A Comfortable Retirement

A lot of people understand how to save for a car or a new house. It is pretty straightforward to budget for something with a fixed price tag. Where some people miss the mark is saving for retirement. For some people, this is a nebulous concept that they just can’t pin down.

It doesn’t take a lot of math skills to figure out how much money a person or family spends – especially in this time of credit cards and online banking.

Knowing how much goes to fixed expenses such as housing, food, transportation, and medical needs in a year can usually be determined with a few clicks of a mouse.

Once this amount is determined, it needs to be multiplied by the number of years you plan to retire. This is not as difficult as some might think! Start with your planned retirement age and add your number of years of retirement. Take a look at the life and health of your parents as a starting place for this calculation. 

Use your best judgment to come up with a number. If you plan to retire at 65 and your parents are well into their nineties, you can plan for at least 30 years of retirement. To be safe, plan for 40 years.

If you plan a change in lifestyle in retirement, such as extensive traveling or another costly hobby, think about how much you would plan to spend on this. This may be offset by things you no longer plan to do, like commute to work, purchase business attire or any other major expense you had while working. Add this number to your fixed expenses.

Take your spending needs and multiply that by the number of years and you will have a ballpark number of what you need to have saved for your retirement.

You may find that number is now a million dollars or more. Don’t panic. With a properly managed retirement fund, this may still be possible.

Here are some ways to help you save for retirement.


7 Ways To Save For A Comfortable Retirement

The most important activity is to budget. Figure out how much you make pre-retirement. Track all spending. Figure out where you are at the end of each month for a few months. If you are just making it through, or owe money at the end of the month, trim unnecessary spending and save to your designated retirement accounts at the start of every month. No excuses! This forces you to save before you spend, instead of saving what’s left over.

Here are seven ways to make this possible

1 Live Below your Means

Living with less will simplify your life and help you save more money. Give up the craziness of always having to have the latest gadget. If something is still functional, wait to upgrade. Don’t just coast on autopilot. 

Think about those things you truly look forward to and eliminate anything you do out of habit. Do you go to the movies or a restaurant every week, just because you always have? Do you actually enjoy what you are eating/seeing? 

It may be time to be more selective about your activities. This may even make them more enjoyable! In addition, spending less on things and nights out will give you more to put away for retirement.

2 Live Debt Free

Debt is one of the curses of our time. I often say that borrowing now is robbing the future. Some people think that debt is harmless, or a necessity of modern life. Stop to consider how much you are paying in interest every year and think of how much more money you would have to invest without debt! Make paying off debt a priority. By getting rid of lingering debts and those high-interest payments, you can put more money aside for retirement.

3 Use Investing Apps

If you are struggling to save, consider using apps to simplify 

and investing. A pair of micro-investment applications have hit the investment universe in the past couple of years. Acorns and Stash Invest are smartphone-based investment apps that enable you to save and invest very small amounts of money. Google “micro-investment applications” to find the right app for your needs.

4 Have Emergency Funds

An emergency fund is an important step for your retirement saving process. It keeps you on track with your retirements savings in the event you have some unexpected expense, such as an unexpected home repair or other emergencies. This will keep you from needing to use credit and start paying high-interest rates all over again!

6 Start Early, Or Add More

It’s never too early to start saving – especially for retirement. The more you deposit into your retirement fund now, the longer the funds will accrue interest. Interest compounding is the financial magic that will help you reach your savings goal!

If you weren’t able to save in your early working years and are looking at low retirement savings, you can still make up for lost time. If you are 50 or older, you are entitled to a catch-up contribution. For an IRA, this is an extra $1,000 per year. For a 401(k), this is an extra $6,000 per year.

6 Maximize Your Employer Plan

If you are fortunate enough to have an employer that offers a retirement plan, take full advantage of it! If they offer a match, do whatever you need to do to get that match. This is free money and nothing else is as important as that! Increase the percentage you save every few months or every year. Do what you must to maximize your contributions.

7 Save And Invest With A Roth IRA

If you maxed out your employer plan contributions and can still afford to contribute more, use a Roth IRA. There is, however, an income cap. If you make too much you won’t be eligible to contribute. The advantage of a Roth IRA is that you may use the funds to finance other investments such as real estate investments or mortgage notes. This is where you can rapidly accelerate your retirement funds.

There are a lot of ways, with awareness and a little effort, that you can take charge of your retirement fund. adopting a budget, eliminating debt – especially high-interest debt, and limiting spending are great strategies in this process. Free up all the money possible to set aside for retirement.

There are a number of retirement savings vehicles and investment products to help you. Real estate is by far the best option as it is tangible real property and relatively low risk. There are many investment models to suit any risk tolerance and involvement level.

There are options!

Knowledge is power and updated knowledge is the most powerful of all.

It takes discipline, but living within one’s means is key to accumulating wealth. Being financially responsible in the present is a good way to ensure a comfortable future.

These steps are good places to start a more conscious and directed route to achieving your financial freedom. Read, reflect and take what will work for you.

Bottom line is that there is no blanket strategy. Each person must evaluate their own circumstances, needs, and desires. Get the help you need to achieve financial freedom.

If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.

-Jim Rohn

Above all, believe in yourself and believe that you will achieve your goal!

Lynda at Sonoran Sun | Private Equity Investments 

Further Reading:

Do You Recognize the 3 Myths of Financial Planning?

Friday, October 6, 2017

5 Things Kids Need To Know About Money

A dear friend recently suggested I should teach kids about investing. As flattered as I was by the idea at the time, the thought has stayed with me. 

Do children need to know about money and investing?

What are the most important things for kids to know about money and investing?

Where to begin!

A lot of parents don’t want to “burden” their children with financial information. It is considered to be “robbing them of their childhood” by many families.

My Kids Don't Need To Know About Money. Do They?

But is this sending the right message?

Should children be kept oblivious as to the financial workings of our society?

Certainly, young children should not be overly exposed to these concepts. However, by the time a child starts asking for spending money, or an allowance, it is time to slowly start passing on important knowledge.

What is the best way to start teaching children about money?

5 Things Kids Need To Know About Money

The best place to start is to answer any questions openly and honestly. It is important to do so in a way that is appropriate for their level of understanding at the time. They shouldn’t ever feel overwhelmed by detailed financial information. Broad concepts are best. Your child doesn’t need to know how much you or your spouse earn from working, what the monthly household expenses are, what you pay in taxes or how much you have in your retirement funds. Most certainly, don’t stress them out by telling them that you have started a college fund!

The Allowance

When they begin asking about money, it would be a good idea that they understand that many people trade time for money. That is a good discussion to have once the allowance request is made of a parent.

It is a perfect opportunity to teach them that for most people, money is not received without some effort. Doing chores around the house in exchange for spending money or extra privileges is a great way to demonstrate this concept and is usually enough of an education for most young people.


If your child has reached the point where they want to strive for greater goals – such as a new bike or other planned purchase, this would be a great time to introduce the concept of saving.

When I was about ten years old, my parents took me to the bank to open a savings account. Not because I had any lofty goals, I am sorry to admit. It was their way of teaching me about money. It was described as a safe place for me to keep my money where my siblings couldn’t pilfer my piggy bank. Not that they ever would!

My parents taught me that if I wanted to make a big purchase that I would need to put some of my allowance into the bank on a regular basis to save up for that purchase. I had a bank book that counted my savings right down to the last penny and I needed to take this book with me to the bank every time I wanted to move money in or out.

This was a great first step to my learning financial planning and the value of money. Back then, there was no thought of buying on credit. My parents probably didn’t even have credit cards. I remember a neighbor showing off their new Chargex card (That should really date me LOL) and how skeptical my parents were about buying merchandise without money. The instant gratification that has become so commonplace in our current society was unimaginable at that time.

Saving was a long and patient process. I discovered that if I spent less on treats and going to the movies and instead put more money into the bank, my projected time to amass this fortune for my great planned purchase was sooner and sooner.

Once your child has started to save and is ready to learn the next step, explain that banks and other institutions use money to lend to borrowers, such as people who want to buy a car or house. I thought it was the greatest deal ever that a bank would give me money - just for storing my money! Of course, those days were very different than today. Interest rates were almost double digits and banking fees were minimal – if they existed at all. 

Will That Be Cash Or…?

No financial education would be complete without addressing the advantages and disadvantages of credit. Most people know that credit can be a severe master when the borrower is left with monthly interest payments on top of the unpaid balance. It is important to understand that used responsibly, credit is a great way to pay for a sudden emergency, monitor spending and (when there is no previous balance) to leverage someone else’s money for a period of 20-30 days, interest-free. 

It is vital for young consumers to understand that responsible use of credit includes paying down any balance fully and quickly to avoid paying the usual high-interest charges. Maintaining a healthy debt to credit ratio is another valuable lesson because it establishes responsible credit habits. Good credit habits offer many advantages later in life, such as advantageous interest rates for a home purchase, or access to other or greater credit lines. 


By the time I had full-time summer jobs, I learned that I could get even more money by buying government bonds and other investment products. By parking my money for a set agreed time, I could make a great return on my money. Making money just for having money! What a deal that was!

What is it they say about eggs and baskets? 

The biggest lesson I learned from my initial investment was that I shouldn’t put all my money in a single certificate. When my car broke down, I had to cash my bond and I lost all the interest. If I had purchased several bonds in smaller amounts, I could have just cashed enough to pay the repairs and leave the rest undisturbed and continuing to earn interest.

The Most Important Education

Perhaps the greatest epiphany I ever had was seeing a colleague’s son at an investing course I was taking. It was an advanced course on mortgage notes and we all had our heads spinning with fantastic new strategies for creating the best payouts on partial notes.

I marveled at this young man quietly sitting there, next to his father, listening and taking down the information. I realized that even if he didn’t understand everything, that he was probably still 40 years ahead of me in learning about investing in mortgage notes!

It turned out that he understood quite a lot. This reminded me of an old joke that a kid now can program a spaceship launch in less time than it takes me to fix the blinking 12:00 on my PVR. How wonderful that by the time he finishes high school that he would be able to invest his money into a proven model with great returns!

I thought his dad was just so wonderful for giving his son this gift of knowledge.

This, of course, was a very advanced session and surely not the first this young man had attended. I would recommend something more general as an introduction. In addition, I would suggest the exploration of a variety of investing models. Not all models appeal to an individual and it is important to have the right fit.

One book that is actually fairly easy reading narrative I feel every young person should read before graduating high school is the original The Wealthy Barber.

The Wealthy Barber is a financial planning book franchise by Canadian author David Chilton. The first book in the series was in the business fable genre, using the story of fictional characters to convey financial advice.

- Wikipedia

So, what is the most important thing for your child to know about money and investing?

I would say absolutely everything – as soon as it is age and awareness appropriate. 

1 Give Them An Allowance – Explain trading time and effort for money.

2 Have Them Set A Savings Goal – For a planned purchase or special event.

3 Teach Them Responsible Credit Use – How to leverage credit and avoid amassing debt.

4 Introduce Them To Investing – There are many models. Help them find a good fit.

5 Encourage Financial Education – Introduce them to books and seminars.

We all know that today’s schools don’t teach this important area of knowledge. Not only can most kids not balance a checkbook, some probably don’t even know what one looks like! Until educational priorities change, it is up to every parent (or a knowledgeable friend or family member) to teach important financial skills to the next generation. 

Get them interested in reading and attending local seminars to open their minds to new investing possibilities. Engage them in thoughtful discussions about what you are all learning.

Your children and their children’s children will thank you.

If you feel you are not well educated enough to teach your children. Take the time to learn the basics.

There are options!

Knowledge is power and updated knowledge is the most powerful of all.

It takes discipline, but living within one’s means is key to accumulating wealth. Being financially responsible in the present is a good way to ensure a comfortable future.

These steps are good places to start a more conscious and directed route to achieving your financial freedom. Read, reflect and take what will work for you.

Bottom line is that there is no blanket strategy. Each person must evaluate their own circumstances, needs, and desires. Get the help you need to achieve financial freedom.

If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.

-Jim Rohn

Above all, believe in yourself and believe that you will achieve your goal!

Lynda at Sonoran Sun | Private Equity Investments 

Further Reading:

Do You Recognize the 3 Myths of Financial Planning?

Friday, September 8, 2017

How To Determine Your Risk Tolerance

Many people are stuck in a loop when it comes to investing. They go around and around looking at different models and end up never making a decision to choose something.

The timid investor evaluates one model after another until they end up where they started! This circular pattern ends up draining the investor of any confidence!


“Where should I invest?” Becomes a liability when asked too often. Funds end up sitting in a low-interest account making next to nothing for fear of not making enough! 

Think of Money Like a Parked Car in Your Drive. 

If left too long, the tires go flat. That makes it difficult to go anywhere. Soon enough it starts to rust. Then the interior and rubber rots.

Un-invested funds are the same thing as a parked rusting car.  

Inflation is devaluing your cash reserve. That which you have worked hard to acquire is quickly eroding over time.

Are your concerned about high fees eating into your returns? Are you so risk-intolerant that your cash getting moldy with no return from sitting in the bank?

Do you keep waiting for that perfect deal with an unbelievable rate of return? Just how much is all that waiting and sifting through deals costing you?

It may be helpful to review your needs and wants when it comes to investing. 

This will help you determine your risk tolerance.


Consider this illustration and think about what is important to you.

Number these points in the order of importance that meets your current and future needs.

Return On Investment

What is safe and secure with a respectable/acceptable return on investment? Most people know that the best return comes with the most risk. 


What is your time frame for investing? Are you looking for long term placement, or something more immediate? How far out are you from retirement? Do you anticipate any other need for your funds?


The least risk usually offers no return.  This is often the savings account at a bank which offers next to nothing for using your money!

The most risky can offer very high returns. Some people made a lot of money in the Stock Market. Others lost everything. Some are out just because they no longer trust it. 

Many people have lost money in bad investments. There is no one model that can be called all good or all bad.


Some people like a hands-on approach to building wealth.

Many have looked to real estate and become landlords only to discover the 4 T’s—toilets, tenants, trash, and termites. Some try working as rehabbers but either can’t find good deals now that competition is fierce and the margins have gotten so thin.  This has become more than a full-time job and the risk reward is just not there.

A few become hard money lenders where it is possible to make a 10% or more rate of return. It is a great rate of return, however, there is a lot of churn. This means getting a high return for 6 months, then when the loan is paid off, your funds just stagnate with no return until you find your next borrower. It can be a constant effort to find the next borrower who is reliable and a good risk. Without a steady stream of successful transactions, the return rate falls dramatically by the end of a year.

Other people prefer to leave the effort to someone else. They have an individual or firm do the investing for them. This usually comes with hefty fees.

Maybe it’s time to reset your thinking. 

Many investors do not feel comfortable with the current real estate market. They are concerned about a market turn similar to 2007.

After all, how many times have people seen the stock market drop only to invest again. And in what, exactly?

Those who invest in precious metals watch the value go up and down regularly. Or they have money parked in a bank earning 0.2% - which is less than inflation!

There are real estate investment models that reap rich rewards with a minimal effort and little risk.

There are options!

Knowledge is power and updated knowledge is the most powerful of all.

It takes discipline, but living within one’s means is key to accumulating wealth. Being financially responsible in the present is a good way to ensure a comfortable future.

These steps are good places to start a more conscious and directed route to achieving your financial freedom. Read, reflect and take what will work for you.

Bottom line is that there is no blanket strategy. Each person must evaluate their own circumstances, needs, and desires. Get the help you need to achieve financial freedom.

If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.

-Jim Rohn

Above all, believe in yourself and believe that you will achieve your goal!

Lynda at Sonoran Sun | Private Equity Investments 

Further Reading:

Do You Recognize the 3 Myths of Financial Planning?

Friday, August 4, 2017

What Is The Advantage Of Peer To Peer Lending?

Peer-to-peer lending can be a rewarding addition to any portfolio. The primary advantage to an individual accredited investor is that they can earn much higher returns compared to other models, such as investment products offered by banks or the Stock Market. 

Also known as P2P, there are several advantages for the private lender. Foremost is that the private lender can pick and choose the projects they want to fund. If an individual or proposed transaction doesn't satisfy their criteria, they do not have to go through with the loan.

It is up to the lender to define the terms that are attractive and advantageous to them. This can include the loan amount, number of loans and duration.

The greatest advantage is that the lender determines their own interest rate. Since these lenders work outside of conventional institutions, such as banks, they are free to set rates as they choose. It is not uncommon for the lender to receive interest anywhere between 5% and 15% on a loan.

Still, many investors dismiss these lending opportunities as risky because they are only familiar with unsecured personal loans. However, there are many opportunities to offer a loan secured by collateral.

When some novice investors considering P2P hear the word collateral, they may think of loans secured by luxury assets such as jewelry, watches, vintage cars, fine art, buildings, aircraft or business assets. These may offer a certain guarantee that a loan will be repaid – especially if the lender has possession of the items. However, there is no guarantee that the borrower will want the items back. This seems more like being a pawn shop owner than an accredited lender!

Perhaps the most advantageous form of peer-to-peer lending are for real estate loans. These investments are safe and secure because they are backed by real estate. Property is immovable and covered by insurance - unlike stocks. 

There are several types of loan models when considering real estate. Perhaps the most familiar are the Hard Money Loan and the Private Money Loan. 

For a hard money loan, a lender will give a certain percentage (usually 60%-70%) of the marketable value of the property as a loan to a borrower. This asset based loan requires a knowledge of real estate values and the willingness to assume title or place a lien on a property as security. 

A private money loan is similar to a hard money loan. One of the advantages of being a Private Money Lender in real estate lending is that these loans are more relationship-based than hard money loans. 

Because the transaction is based on a trusted relationship, the investor can choose their level of involvement with a loan. A private money loan is generally secured by a note and deed of trust, for the purpose of funding a real estate transaction. In many cases, this trusted relationship can free the lender from the day to day monitoring of the loan or developments with the property.

When a stronger partnership develops, the lender may take a percentage of the real estate transaction in exchange for offering a lower rate. With proven real estate investors, a lender may prefer to assume a percentage of the deal instead of asking for any interest. This is often referred to as a Joint Venture, or JV Partnership.

Unlike paper assets, such as stocks, private loans for real estate give great, predictable returns in the form of interest. Compared to stock markets, peer-to-peer lending for real estate tends to much safer and more secure than other forms of investments because they are backed by solid real estate. 

Knowledge is power and updated knowledge is the most powerful of all.

It takes discipline, but living within one’s means is key to accumulating wealth. Being financially responsible in the present is a good way to ensure a comfortable future.

These steps are good places to start a more conscious and directed route to achieving your financial freedom. Read, reflect and take what will work for you.

Bottom line is that there is no blanket strategy. Each person must evaluate their own circumstances, needs, and desires. Get the help you need to achieve financial freedom.

If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.

-Jim Rohn

Above all, believe in yourself and believe that you will achieve your goal!

Lynda at Sonoran Sun | Private Equity Investments