Thursday, October 1, 2015

Can Investments Be Powered By Perpetual Motion?

Mankind has long been looking for a perpetual motion device. 

Used as an endless supply of energy, it would be formidable source of power. 

Imagine having power without having to work for it!

Some people wish there was a way to get income without having to work for it. This is defined as Passive Income on Wikipedia:

Passive income is an income received on a regular basis, with little effort required to maintain it. It is closely related to the concept of "unearned income".

It is a wonderful idea, but most people eventually realize that passive income is a myth. At some point in time, most investments require work.

Some people think that profits from stocks are passive. What these people fail to realize is that stocks must be constantly monitored and researched. These days, with all the volatility in the markets, not only do stocks require a lot of attention, they have also become a source of great stress! That hardly sounds passive – or healthy.

Other people believe that having rental properties is a great way to earn passive income. This is usually great – until something goes wrong at the property. Most owners aren’t ready to deal with broken plumbing in the middle of the night, or other emergencies. The time needed to maintain a rental property and sometimes even just to get the rent can often be as much as a full time job!

Those who have tried these options without success often settle for investment accounts where they get very little or no interest for their money – while banks get richer and report record breaking profits!

Earning respectable amounts of passive income seems like a myth, indeed.

But what if there was a way to get significant income without having to do anything. No work, no research – no worries! Nothing except looking at your bank account and watching it grow. Safely and securely… month by month!

Imagine the possibilities that extra income would open up for you and your family!

To learn more, send me a message with your contact info. We will arrange a time to discuss options tailored to your needs.

As the financial world sits and wonders what will implode next, I have realized that my own smart money has been safe and secure, growing and giving steady returns…elsewhere.


Lynda at Sonoran Sun | Private Equity Investments 

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